Martes, Oktubre 18, 2011

When I observed outside of this school. Outside there was a two tree house, In the tree house, I observed there are many plastic or tetra packs of any kind of junkfoods, I think the people or student who sat there, they didnt know how to manage the cleanliness of their environment, There were times the tree house is clean, but sometimes it is dirty even if there is a trashcan there besides of the tree house there is a park. The park is always clean and has a beautiful view, Because whenever I see in the park, It is always clean.
The environment from the outside this school is  as Ive said it is clean, because there are trashcan to every corner in the school. except in the tree house because when I was sitting there, I felt a lot of mosquitoes, then infront of the church there is a proper parking area, but there was a big space to the people that will going there at the church and this school.


 Hi babe... how are you? i hope you are always ok, even if I am away from you now. Babe thanks for being there when I needed a shoulder to lean on, for patiently listening to my personal problems. I just want you to know how happy am I to have you in my life, and I thank god for that. Thank you for the love and the joy you bring  you've change my life.
For me your the one only boyfriend who gives my heart some excitement and thrills. When Im with you I feel like Im out of control, you taught me, how to handle life seriously, you taught me how to solve my problems and to face it without any fear when Im with you I feel not fear, not even a single one.
I hope you dont change your good values that you have,,
Babe I Love You and always take care.......

Linggo, Setyembre 4, 2011

the greedy dog...

The Greedy Dog

One afternoon, the dog was terribly hungry. He decided to go look for something to eat. Just outside his house, there was a bridge. “I will go and look for food on the other side of the bridge. The food there is definitely better,” he thought to himself.

He walked across the wooden bridge and started sniffing around for food. Suddenly, he spotted a bone lying at a distance. “Ah, I am in luck. This looks a delicious bone,” he said.

Without wasting any time, the hungry dog picked up the bone and was just about to eat it, when he thought, “Somebody might see here with this bone and then I will have to share it with them. So, I had better go home and eat it.” Holding the bone in his mouth, he ran towards his house.

While crossing the wooden bridge, the dog looked down into the river. There he saw his own reflection. The foolish dog mistook it for another dog. “There is another dog in the water with bone in its mouth,” he thought. Greedy, as he was, he thought, “How nice it would be to snatch that piece of bone as well. Then, I will have two bones.”

So, the greedy dog looked at his reflection and growled. The reflection growled back, too. This made the dog angry. He looked down at his reflection and barked, “Woof! Woof!” As he opened his mouth, the bone in his mouth fell into the river. It was only when the water splashed that the greedy dog realized that what he had seen was nothing but his own
 reflection and not another dog. But it was too late. He had lost the piece of bone because of his greed. Now he had to go hungry.

Linggo, Agosto 21, 2011

Pink floid

Hello? My name is Pink floid, you know what i did to Sarah's house in one night?? she introduce me to her friends, family and her neighbor, and her mom was very happy, when i see me, because of my color and my name, her mom told me, "ang cute2x ko daw", and also, I'm thankful for that,, when i was enter Sarah's bedroom, I'm lying her bed in a few minutes and then I'll take a shower,after that i bought junk foods and eating inside her room,, then while I'm eating junk foods, I'm watching television together with Sarah, until i sleep beside her,,, you know? i don't feel become out of place in her family,, because her mom told me "welcome home, Sarah and your friends ( I )", so that i feel good and confident all night, to Sarah's home,, 

dearest father

Dearest Papa,,
             Hello pa, I miss u so much,, i hope that you are always okay there,, i just want you to say "i love you very2x much" Pa thanks for everything that you given to me,, for your support, and care for me, to my brothers and sister, and also to my mama,,. for me you are the " best" father in the world, because you know how to manage your time to your family and work, thank you because you are always here every time i need you,, you giving me advice about to my problem, specially for my lovelife, and i appreciate that so much,, Until now i'll never forget it,, i hope that you'll never change your good values that you have, and always remember that you have a daughter are always here beside you, i love you pa and i wish you all the best, good health and take care always.......

                                                                                               your loving daughter,

Linggo, Hulyo 31, 2011

Life is like an open wide-ocean

life is like an open wide-ocean,,,
sometimes are silent, but

Life Is Like An Open Wide-Ocean

Life is like an open wide-Ocean covered by waves,
some bring joy others destruction,
some bring peace others commotion,
And many men are like fish
except they have less control
over the direction in which they swim
Why? Did I hear you ask?
Cause many men allow themselves
to be tossed from side to side
by every wave of philosophy, trend, Idea, belief, doctrine
perhaps man needs to take a good look
at what these waves have to offer
and not take them at their face value.
Those who rise above the waves
are those who look to see which wave
would work for them and that which would work against them

Life is like an ocean full of dreams
some come true and others don’t
And every man is a source of dreams
that fill the ocean of life
just as the rain is the source of water to the ocean 
Every man is free to dream
but only a few see his dreams come true
Why? Did I hear you ask?
Cause it takes nothing to dream
but it costs a man everything
to make he’s dream come true,
it takes faith; the evidence of things unseen
and a man risks being called a fool
while in pursuit of making he’s dream a reality,
no one it seems believes a dream that eventually comes true
because the dream is always bigger than he that dreams it
and remember your dream is no dream
except its bigger than everything you stand for.

Life is like an Ocean
full of good and evil as you pass through
you are bound to be hurt by the sharks of life
and maybe you’ll meet a friendly dolphin or two
the former is more likely than the latter
Why? Did I hear you say?
Cause Love is defined by hate,
good by evil and I suppose vice versa.
How do you know what is right if nothing is wrong?
How do you learn not to take for granted
the things that matter to you the most if you’ve never been hurt?

That’s why life is like an Ocean,
some times its at peace other times
it's raging like a storm
But life is only what you make it to be.
Take the bad with a pinch of salt,
don’t beat yourself too hard for mistakes you’ve made
there is always another chance
so make sure you take it
you just might be able to make
what’s wrong better if not right.
Life is like an ocean
sometimes troubled sometimes calm
whatever state yours might be in
wait and be still cause the rough
would eventually be followed by the smooth,
and weeping followed by joy.               

Martes, Hunyo 28, 2011

I am a simple girl!!!!

I was born when my auntie got sick!!!
I am sweet,
 honest and polite,,
I care, I give, and
I defend,,,
Someday  i'm going to my province,,,
I am a nice girl!!!!